Granola bars

Well, it’s finally happened: we are eating homemade granola bars. Next, we’ll be “harvesting” neighbourhood squirrels for stew or buying an electric car. But, before the tie-dyed crowd starts weaving daisies into my hair, I want to assure everyone that it was my wife who made these. Not me. However, I do have to admit […]

Calas redux

Meats, Roots and Leaves reader Debra sent in some pictures of her version of calas, New Orleans fried rice cakes. Here’s what she said about them: “Someone said food lovers don’t talk about calories, totally agreed with that so here comes my Calas. Kid and husband love it and asked me to make it again, […]

Eggs Benedict with chipotle Hollandaise sauce and Montreal smoked meat, two potato hash

[tweetmeme] This is Part Seven of my week-long celebration of eggs. I think I can squeeze in one more egg recipe before my kids call the child welfare agency and L follows through with her threat to become a vegan for Lent. As the French say, un oeuf is enough. So, let me push my […]

An egg in every pot

One of the questions I’m sometimes asked, almost always while eating, is “what would you want as your last meal?” I always give the same answer: “How about you?” I say in my best imitation of Hannibal Lecter, “more Chianti?” It really is a morbid question when you think about it and your mind ends […]